
October 21, 2010

Welcome to my humble abode on the internet.

Assuming that you're wondering what this is, I think I should probably explain. I've decided that while I'm a high schooler who currently has too much on her hands, I might as well start a blog. My days are mostly spent reading novels and googling random trivia, so I thought, why not? It can't be that hard, can it?

Therefore, from now until the end of my senior year I will be posting reviews of some of the books I read. I'm still trying to figure out a system but I'll at it! :)

Some of my friends hardly ever know what to read so I hope that doing something like this might help teens like us to figure out what's new out there in the world of YA. 

Over the next four years of high school I will be testing my dedication, endurance, writing skills, and so much more. I hope I stick with it so at the end of this all I can look back and say, "It suppose it wasn't that hard..."


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